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Monthly Report

The Monthly Report is the default report for the report system, and it opens automatically when you open the report system. This report is considered one of the, if not the most, important reports in the game.

The report summarizes your revenues and expenses for the last turn. It also generates a table containing data on all the vehicles you have in production or for sale.

We'll breakdown the top of the report into sections.

Section 1

Total Revenues
Total Expenditures
Cash Flow

Section 2

Vehicle Sales Vehicle Sales are the revenues you generate from selling vehicles to dealerships through your branch distribution system.
Civilian Contracts Civilian Contracts are the revenues you made from civilian vehicle and component contracts. This value includes outsourced units you produced for other companies.
Military Contracts Military Contract is the same as Civilian Contracts, except this is specifically for revenues made from militaries.
Racing Income Racing Income is the revenue you made from operating racing teams. The more you win, the more money you’ll receive.
Chassis Revenue
Engine Revenue
Gears Revenue
Design Revenue
Sold Assets Sold Assets contains all revenues generated from the selling of assets such as factories.
OEM Parts Revenue OEM Parts Revenue is revenues from vehicle parts sales to the vehicle repair market. These revenues come from vehicles older than three years, but younger than seven years. The game generates the value from the number of vehicles you sold, the material costs of the vehicles, and how low the vehicle dependability rating is.
Merchandise The Merchandise value is the revenues you generate from licensing your trademarks to other companies for consumer goods such as t-shirts, hats, etc. The higher your image ratings, especially your racing image, the more revenues you’ll generate here.
Bank Interest Bank Interest is the amount of money your cash funds generated sitting in a bank. The game bases the interest rate on the Global Interest Rate, and you can find more details in the Banking window.
Sold Stocks Sold Stock is the value of stocks you sold.
Dividend Revenues Dividend Revenues are the revenues you receive from dividend payments of stocks you own.

Section 3

Total Materials
Total Factory Cost
Factory Cost
Factory Labor
Outsourced Units

Section 4

Total Racing
Furlough Costs

Section 5

Total RnD Cost
RnD Cost
Engineer Labor
Research Team Costs

Section 6

Purchased Assets
Lobbying Costs
Loan Repayments
Credit Payment
Bond Payment
Unfunded Pensions
Storage Costs
Dividend Payout

Section 7

Total Distribution Cost
Branch Costs
Distribution Labor
Total Transportation

Section 8

Total Admin Cost
Admin Operations
Admin Labor

Section 9

Total Marketing
Marketing Costs
Marketing Labor

Section 10

One Time Expenses
Total Taxes

Quarterly Report

Annual Report

gamemanual/reports_finances.1634186076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/15 17:58 (external edit)