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japanesemanual:ja_componentseditor [2024/10/31 07:01] – [サスペンション] nichirinmotorjapanesemanual:ja_componentseditor [2024/10/31 19:33] (current) – [Drivetrain] nichirinmotor
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-==== Drivetrain =====+==== ドライブトレイン =====
-Drivetrains consists of the position of the engine and the powered wheels in relation to the vehicle body. We'll try to describe to you the effects of each variable, however, extremely detailed data will have to wait until we write the “In-depth” wiki pages. When those pages are implemented, we'll link you there. +ドライブトレインは、車体に対するエンジンと駆動輪の位置関係で構成されます。各変数の影響について説明しますが、非常に詳細なデータは 「In-depth(詳細)」ウィキページを書くまで待たなければなりません。それらのページが実装されたら、そこにリンクします。
-^Name^Description^Chassis Effect^Vehicle Effect+ 
 |Steering|This is the drivetrain's effect on how 'easy' the vehicle is to drive. The higher this rating is, the less skills one requires to drive this vehicle in poor conditions such as wet roads and at high speeds.|+Comfort|+Driveability, +Luxury|  |Steering|This is the drivetrain's effect on how 'easy' the vehicle is to drive. The higher this rating is, the less skills one requires to drive this vehicle in poor conditions such as wet roads and at high speeds.|+Comfort|+Driveability, +Luxury| 
 |Ride Performance|This is the drivetrains's effects on drivability, handling, and roadhold of the chassis. Higher values here typically means more performance oriented chassis systems.|+Performance|+Performance, +Driveabilty|  |Ride Performance|This is the drivetrains's effects on drivability, handling, and roadhold of the chassis. Higher values here typically means more performance oriented chassis systems.|+Performance|+Performance, +Driveabilty| 
japanesemanual/ja_componentseditor.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/31 19:33 by nichirinmotor