====== Sales Game Mechanics ======
The Game Mechanics section of the manual details the internal formula used in the game's calculations. This section of the manual uses pseudo-code and may not be 100% the same as the code in the game.
The Game Mechanics part of the manual is mainly designed to be a reference for the frequently asked question, "Why do I get this rating when I do X, Y, Z?!" Usually, this answer involves many different variables, which this section of the manual demonstrates.
**The game mechanics section of the manual shows [[https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/seeing+how+the+sausage+gets+made|how the sausage gets made]]. So you really may want to avoid this portion of the manual if you enjoy the game.**
===== Buyer Pools =====
==== Variables ====
^ Name ^ Description ^ ^ Name ^ Description ^
| **Adjusted_Years** | Current Year - 1899 | | **Buying_Percentage** | Monthly Percentage of people buying any vehicle. |
| **Global_Buy_Rate** | Global buyer rate as defined in the TurnEvents.xml file | | **Global_Interest_Rates** | Global interest rate as defined in the TurnEvents.xml file |
| **City_ECOGROWTH** | Economic Growth value for a specific city. | | **City_POPULATION** | Population of a specific city |
| **City_INF** | Infrastructure rating for a specific city | | **City_CAP** | Per Capita income for a specific city |
| **City_GOVERN** | Government stability rating for selected city. 1 = stable, 0 = limited war, -1 or less, full war/halted. | | **Consumer_Fluctuation_Rate** | Variable defined by new game starting options. |
| **Vehicle_Type_Popularity** | This is the popularity value of the specific vehicle type | | **Vehicle_Type_Fuel_Rating** | This is the fuel rating of the specific vehicle type |
| **Vehicle_Type_People** | This is the number of people interested in buying this type of vehicle in the specific city | | **Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex** | This is the wealth index of the specific vehicle type, see [[http://wiki.gearcity.info/doku.php?id=gamemanual:references_vehicletypeimportance|Vehicle Type Importance Ratings]] for details |
| **Vehicle_Unit_Costs** | This is the Material Unit Costs of the specific car. | | **moneyBoost** | Consumer Purchasing Power as defined by starting new game options. |
| **Car_Sales_Price** | Sales price of the specific car | | **Car_Quality_Rating** | Quality rating of the specific car |
| **Car_Top_Speed** | Top speed of the specific car | | **Minimum_Top_Speed** | Minimum top speed required for this car type before penalties are applied |
| **indexMove** | Marketing Efficiency's effect on wealth demographics | | **Dealerships** | Number of dealerships the company selling the specific car has |
| **Company_Racing_Image** | Racing image of the company selling the specific car | | **Global_Gas** | Global Fuel costs as defined in the TurnEvents.xml file |
| **Branch_Staff_Value** | Staff slider, number of employees, and morale values of the branch | | **Branch_Sales_Resources** | Sales resources slider for the branch |
| **Sum_Of_BuyerRatings** | Sum of all buyer ratings in the specific city for the vehicle type, including the specific car's. | | **Used_Cars_BuyerRating** | Buyer rate for the used vehicles of this type in the specific city. |
| **Car_BuyerRating** | The specific car's buyer rating | | **Max_Rating_For_Type_In_City** | The highest buyer rating for this vehicle type in this specific city. |
| **Collective_Age** | The age of the chassis, engine, gearbox, and vehicle design | | **Top_Speed_Mod** | Top speed penalty |
| **overPriced** | Over priced penalty | | **Hard_Difficulty_Sales_Mod** | Sales boost for AI on hard and nightmare difficulties |
| **Not_A_Player_Company** | Not you | | **boycottPlayer** | If your company is being protested for whatever reason. |
===== City/Type Buying Population =====
if(Adjusted_Years <= 25)
Buying_Percentage = (((0.00155*Adjusted_Years)
else if(Adjusted_Years <= 105)
Buying_Percentage = (((0.00025*Adjusted_Years)+0.035)*City_ECOGROWTH) *
Global_Buy_Rate * Global_Interest_Rates
else if(Adjusted_Years <= 130)
Buying_Percentage = (((-0.002*Adjusted_Years)+0.27125)*City_ECOGROWTH) *
Buying_Percentage = (0.011 *City_ECOGROWTH) * Global_Buy_Rate * Global_Interest_Rates
if(City_GOVERN >= 1)
govEffect = 0.5;
else if(City_GOVERN == 0)
govEffect = 0.25;
govEffect = 0;
RandomNumber = Random Number Between 0 AND ((City_INF/400.0)*
//Total City Buying Pool
City_Buying_Population = (((((City_POPULATION)) * Buying_Percentage) *
popBooster)*( RandomNumber + 0.85)) * City_BuyerRate* govEffect
//Vehicle Type Buying Pool
Vehicle_Type_Buyers = City_Buying_Population * Vehicle_Type_Popularity
===== Buyer Ratings =====
See [[http://wiki.gearcity.info/doku.php?id=gamemanual:gui_dynamicreports#buyer_rating_table|Buyer Rating Table Report]].
===== Sales Calculation =====
For Every Car In Every Type Sold In City
People = Vehicle_Type_People + ((Vehicle_Type_People*0.2) * indexMove^2) +
((Vehicle_Type_People*0.01+3) * (0.1*(10-Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex))) * Dealerships
People = People + ((Vehicle_Type_People *0.05) *
(Company_Racing_Image/100.0)) +
((Vehicle_Type_People *0.15) * indexMove)
People = People + ((Vehicle_Type_People *0.05) *
(Vehicle_Type_Fuel_Rating * Global_Gas))
Branch_Effect = 0.5+(0.25*((Branch_Staff_Value*0.0125) + (Branch_Sales_Resources*0.0125)))
if(Vehicle_Unit_Costs != 0)
{ Quality_To_Price_Ratio = (0.9 +
Quality_To_Price_Ratio = 1
if(Car_Top_Speed < Minimum_Top_Speed && Minimum_Top_Speed != 0 )
Top_Speed_Mod = Car_Top_Speed / Minimum_Top_Speed
Top_Speed_Mod = 1
Vehicle_Type_Max_Money = City_CAP*moneyBoost*((Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex/50.0)+1)
priceIndex = Car_Sales_Price/(1+Vehicle_Type_Max_Money)
if(Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex > 6 AND priceIndex < 5)
priceIndex = priceIndex + (5-priceIndex)
priceIndex = priceIndex - (0.001 * priceIndex)
if(year > 1945 AND Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex != 0)
priceIndex = priceIndex + ( ( priceIndex / Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex ) / 2.0)
Wealth_Demographic = (0.005 - ((priceIndex-4.0-(0.1*Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex)) * 0.00002))
if(Vehicle_Type_WealthIndex > 5 && priceIndex < 25)
Ultrawealthy_VehicleType_Quality = Random Number Between 0 and (Car_Quality_Rating/20)
Ultrawealthy_VehicleType_Quality = 0
if( Sales Price is signicantly lower than material costs )
Sold_At_Branch = 1000000
if(Sum_Of_BuyerRatings+Used_Cars_BuyerRating != 0)
Sold_At_Branch = 0.5 +
(((People * ((Car_BuyerRating)/((Sum_Of_BuyerRatings+Used_Cars_BuyerRating)))) *
( (Random Number Between 0 and 0.2) + 0.9)) * Branch_Effect)
Sold_At_Branch = 0.5 + People *
((Random Number Between 0 and 0.2) + 0.9) * Branch_Effect
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch * Wealth_Demographic
if(year > 1995)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + People * 0.003
else if(year > 1945 && year < 1995)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + People * (0.001 + (0.00004*(year-1945)))
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + People * 0.001
if(Sold_At_Branch < 3 && People > 50 && Wealth_Demographic > 0.01)
if(Car_BuyerRating > Max_Rating_For_Type_In_City * 0.6)
if( (Car_BuyerRating / Max_Rating_For_Type_In_City) > 0.98)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + 3
else if( (Car_BuyerRating / Max_Rating_For_Type_In_City) > 0.8)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + 2
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + 1
if(Collective_Age > 10)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch / ((Collective_Age/6.0)+1)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch / Quality_To_Price_Ratio
if(Car_BuyerRating/Sum_Of_BuyerRatings > 0.1)
if(Random number between 0 and 2 = 0)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch + 1
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch * Top_Speed_Mod
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch * overPriced
if(Hard_Difficulty_Sales_Mod > 0 AND Not_A_Player_Company)
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch * hardDifficultySalesMod
if(Sold_At_Branch <0)
Sold_At_Branch = 0
Sold_At_Branch = Sold_At_Branch * (0.75 + Random Number Between 0 and 0.10)