======= 契約ゲームメカニクス =======
マニュアルのゲームメカニクスパートは、主に "なぜX、Y、Zをするとこの評価になるのか?"というよくある質問に対するリファレンスとして設計されています。通常、この答えには多くの異なる変数が含まれており、マニュアルのこのセクションではそれを実証しています。
====== 変数 ======
^ 名称 ^ 説明 ^ ^ 名称 ^ 説明 ^
| **govPopulation** | 契約している都市や国の人口です。 | | **govCalc** | その国の戦況です。1=通常、0=限定、-1戦争、-2総力戦です。 |
| **year** | これはゲーム年です。 | | **Year_Built** | これはデザインした年です。 |
| **Minimum_Bid_Score** | 選ばれるために必要な最低落札点です。 | | **ContractPeriod** | 契約期間の長さです。 |
| **Wealth_Index** | デザインの裕福度です。[[gamemanual:references_vehicletypeimportance|このページ.]]をご覧ください。 | | **Wealth** | 裕福度を見る。 |
| **Lobbying_Budget** | 自社にかけられるロビー活動予算の加重値です | | **Max_Lobbying_Budget** | 使用できるロビー活動予算の最大値です |
| **contractUnitPriceMod** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されている、このタイプの契約の価格modです。 | | **** | |
| **Engine_Type_EngineSize** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されているエンジンサイズ変数です。 | | **Engine_Type_UnitNumbers** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、このタイプの契約の注文個数のModifier変数です。 |
| **Engine_Type_FuelMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されているエンジン燃費変数です。 | | **Engine_Type_HPMOD** | EngineContracts.xml ファイルに定義されているエンジン馬力変数です。 |
| **Engine_Type_torqueMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されたエンジントルク変数です。 | | **Engine_Type_WidthMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されたエンジン幅変数です。 |
| **Engine_Type_LengthMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されているエンジン長さ変数です。 | | **Engine_Type_WeightMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されたエンジン重量変数です。 |
| **Engine_Type_unitPrice** | このModifier変数は、EngineContracts.xmlファイルで定義されているこのタイプのエンジン契約の単価に影響します。 | | **** | |
| **Type_Popularity** | この車種の車両の人気値です。 | | **CarContractType_unitNumbers** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、このタイプの車種契約の台数に対するModifier値です。 |
| **CarContractType_HPMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のための馬力のModifier値です。 | | **CarContractType_FuelMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のための燃費のModifier値です。 |
| **cargoType** | この車種の積載量を重視する評価です。 | | **CarContractType_CargoMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約の積載量のModifier値です。 |
| **CarContractType_torqueMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のためのトルクのModifier値です。 | | **CarContractType_WeightMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のための重量のModifier値です。 |
| **CarContractType_TopSpeedMOD** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のための最高速度のModifier値です。 | | **CarContractType_unitPrice** | EngineContracts.xmlファイルに定義されている、この車種の契約のための契約のための単価のModifier値です。 |
| **RacingSeries_Funding_Value** | RacingSeries.xmlファイルに定義されている、レースシリーズのレース資金変数です。 | | **RacingSeries_Races** | シリーズが1シーズンに開催するレース数です。 |
| **ex_1d002p_year99** | 1.002%%^%%(year-1899) | | **ex_1d005p_year99** | 1.005%%^%%(year-1899) |
| **ex_1d008p_year99** | 1.008%%^%%(year-1899) | | **ex_1d01p_year99** | 1.01%%^%%(year-1899) |
| **ex_1d015p_year99** | 1.015%%^%%(year-1899) | | **ex_1d02p_year99** | 1.02%%^%%(year-1899) |
| **ex_1d025p_year99** | 1.025%%^%%(year-1899) | | **ex_1d03p_year99** | 1.03%%^%%(year-1899) |
| **ex_1d035p_year99** | 1.035%%^%%(year-1899) | | **ex_1d04p_year99** | 1.04%%^%%(year-1899) |
| **ex_1d06p_year99** | 1.06%%^%%(year-1899) | | | |
====== 車両契約仕様 ======
===== エンジン =====
==== 排気量 ====
EngineCC = (Random Number Between 0 And 5000) + 10000) * Engine_Type_EngineSize
EngineCC = (Random Number Between 0 And 10000) + 25000) * Engine_Type_EngineSize
EngineCC = (Random Number Between 0 And 18000 + 12000) * Engine_Type_EngineSize
==== ユニット要求 ====
if(EngineCC > 20000)
EngineSizeUnitMod = 1000000 / EngineCC
EngineSizeUnitMod = (-0.123 * EngineCC) + 2500
if Land/Army
Units = ((govPopulation/100000) + EngineSizeUnitMod*0.2 +
Random Number Between 0 And EngineSizeUnitMod*0.8)) * govCalc + 1
else if Navy
Units = ((govPopulation/1000000) + EngineSizeUnitMod*0.2 +
Random Number Between 0 And EngineSizeUnitMod*0.8)) * govCalc + 1
else if Military Aero
Units = ((govPopulation/250000) + EngineSizeUnitMod*0.2 +
Random Number Between 0 And EngineSizeUnitMod*0.8)) * govCalc + 1
else if Civil Aero
Units = ((govPopulation/200000) + EngineSizeUnitMod*0.2 +
Random Number Between 0 And EngineSizeUnitMod*0.8)) + 1
else if Civil Maritime
Units = ((govPopulation/750000) + EngineSizeUnitMod*0.2 +
Random Number Between 0 And EngineSizeUnitMod*0.8)) + 1
Units = Units * Engine_Type_UnitNumbers
UnitsPerMonth = Units / ContractPeriod
if(UnitsPerMonth < 1)
UnitsPerMonth = 1
==== 燃費 ====
fuelRand = Random Number Between 0 And 3
if Land/Army
MPG = ((10 - (EngineCC/4000)) - fuelRand) * Engine_Type_FuelMOD * ex_1d002p_year99+3;
else if Navy
MPG =(( 10 - (EngineCC/12000)) - fuelRand)*Engine_Type_FuelMOD * ex_1d002p_year99+3;
else if Aero
MPG = ((10 - (EngineCC/3500)) - fuelRand) * Engine_Type_FuelMOD * ex_1d002p_year99+3;
if(MPG < 4 || MPG > 200)
MPG = -1;
==== 馬力 ====
if Land/Army
HP = (Random Number Between 0 And (EngineCC/250)+((EngineCC/100)*ex_1d01p_year99)) * Engine_Type_HPMOD
else if Navy
HP = (Random Number Between 0 And (EngineCC/600)+EngineCC/200) *ex_1d015p_year99 * Engine_Type_HPMOD
else if Aero
HP = ((Random Number Between 0 And (EngineCC/250)+((EngineCC/70)*ex_1d005p_year99))) * Engine_Type_HPMOD
else if Civil Ships
HP = (Random Number Between 0 And (EngineCC/500)+EngineCC/200) *ex_1d005p_year99 * Engine_Type_HPMOD
==== トルク ====
if Land/Army
torque = (15 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/450)+(EngineCC/300) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
else if Navy
torque = (15 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/370)+(EngineCC/500) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
else if Aero
torque = (20 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/300)+(EngineCC/200) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
==== トルク ====
if Land/Army
torque = (15 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/450)+(EngineCC/300) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
else if Navy
torque = (15 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/370)+(EngineCC/500) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
else if Aero
torque = (20 + Random Number Between 0 And EngineCC/300)+(EngineCC/200) ) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_torqueMOD;
==== 幅 ====
if Land/Army
EngineWidth = (EngineCC/300 + 10) * Engine_Type_WidthMOD;
else if Navy
EngineWidth = (EngineCC/150 + 10)*Engine_Type_WidthMOD;
else if Aero
EngineWidth = (EngineCC/350 + 10)*Engine_Type_WidthMOD;
==== 長さ ====
if Land/Army
EngineLength = (EngineCC / 300 + 12) * Engine_Type_LengthMOD;
else if Navy
EngineLength = (EngineCC / 150 + 12)*Engine_Type_LengthMOD;
else if Aero
EngineLength = (EngineCC / 200 + 12)*Engine_Type_LengthMOD;
==== 重量 ====
if Land/Army
Weight = (EngineCC / 11.5 + 100) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_WeightMOD;
else if Navy
Weight = (EngineCC / 5.5 + 500) * ex_1d008p_year99 * Engine_Type_WeightMOD;
else if Aero
Weight = (EngineCC / 10.0 + 50) * Engine_Type_WeightMOD;
==== ペナルティ、単価、契約ボーナス ====
if Units < 50
bonusPenality = (ex_1d025p_year99 *30000) * (50.0/(Units))
if Land/Army
Penalty = (ex_1d025p_year99 * EngineCC/50) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality;
else if Military Navy
Penalty = (ex_1d025p_year99 * EngineCC/10) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality;
else if Military Aero
Penalty = (ex_1d025p_year99 * EngineCC/30) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality;
else if Civilian Aero
Penalty = (ex_1d025p_year99 * EngineCC/80) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality;
else if Civilian Ships
Penalty = (ex_1d025p_year99 * EngineCC/80) * Units + 1+bonusPenality;
if(Random Number Between 0 And 1 = 1 )
basePrice = 0
if Easy Difficulty
basePrice = 175;
else if Normal Difficulty
basePrice = 75
if Land/Army
UnitCosts = ((((105 +basePrice) * ex_1d025p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And (130 + basePrice/1.25) * ex_1d02p_year99)) +
EngineCC/200 + 1 + (bonusPenality/10))
Penalty = ((UnitCosts + EngineCC/200) /2.0) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality
else if Military Navy
UnitCosts = ((((305 + basePrice) * ex_1d025p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And (200 +basePrice/1.25) * ex_1d02p_year99)) +
EngineCC/50 + 1+(bonusPenality/10))
Penalty = ((UnitCosts + EngineCC/50)/0.5) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality
else if Military Aero
UnitCosts = ((((205 + basePrice) * ex_1d025p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And (230 +basePrice/1.25) * ex_1d02p_year99)) +
EngineCC/100 + 1 + (bonusPenality/10))
Penalty = ((UnitCosts+EngineCC/100)/1.5) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality
else if Civilian Aero
UnitCosts = ((((130 + basePrice) * ex_1d025p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And (155 +basePrice/1.25) * ex_1d02p_year99)) +
EngineCC/150 + 1 + (bonusPenality/10))
Penalty = ((UnitCosts+EngineCC/150)/2.0) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality
else if Civilian Ships
UnitCosts = ((((255 + basePrice) * ex_1d025p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And (200 + basePrice/1.25) * ex_1d02p_year99)) +
EngineCC/100 + 1+(bonusPenality/10))
Penalty = ((UnitCosts + EngineCC/100)/2.0) * Units + 1 + bonusPenality
if(Units > 1000)
UnitCosts = (UnitCosts * 0.75) + (UnitCosts * 0.25 * (1000.0/(1000.0 + Units)))
UnitCosts = (UnitCosts * 0.875)
UnitCosts = UnitCosts * contractUnitPriceMod;
UnitCosts = UnitCosts * Engine_Type_unitPrice;
SigningBonus = UnitCosts / (Random Number Between 0 And 10) + 10) * Units
SigningBonus = SigningBonus * contractUnitPriceMod
SigningBonus = SigningBonus * Engine_Type_unitPrice
Penalty = Penalty + SigningBonus * Random Number Between 0 and 1.0 + 3.0
===== 車両 =====
==== ユニット ====
Units = (govPopulation * (0.002 + (0.0025 * Absolute Value of(govStatus*3) ))) * Type_Popularity + 1
Units = Units * CarContractType_unitNumbers
Units = Units * 5
==== 排気量 ====
EngineCC = (Random Number Between 0 And (500) + 1000) * Wealth
==== 馬力 ====
if Military Contract
HP = (Random Number Between 0 And (10)+(5 * ex_1d008p_year99)) * wealth * CarContractType_HPMOD
else if Civilian Contract
HP = (Random Number Between 0 And (15)+10) * ex_1d008p_year99 * wealth * CarContractType_HPMOD
==== 燃費 ====
if(Military Contract)
MPG = (14 - (wealth * 2)+ Random Number Between 0 And (4)) * CarContractType_FuelMOD + 3;
else if(Civilian Contract)
MPG = (20 - (wealth *1.75)+ Random Number Between 0 And (4)) * CarContractType_FuelMOD + 3;
if(MPG < 4 OR MPG > 200)
No fuel economy limit
==== 積載 ====
if(Military Contract)
CargoReq = 200 + (Random Number Between 0 And (200) + 200) * (cargoType * 1.2) * CarContractType_CargoMOD
else if(Civilian Contract)
CargoReq = 200 + (Random Number Between 0 And (200) + 150) * (cargoType * 1.2) * CarContractType_CargoMOD
==== トルク ====
torque = (25 + (EngineCC/100)) * ex_1d005p_year99 * CarContractType_torqueMOD
==== 重量 ====
Weight = (500 + (CargoReq / 50) + Random Number Between 0 And (300)) * ex_1d008p_year99 * CarContractType_WeightMOD
==== 最高速度 ====
if( Year < 2021 )
topSpeed = ( (20 + ((year-1899)/3.5)) + Random Number Between 0 And (15 + ((year-1899)/2)) )* ex_1d005p_year99 * CarContractType_TopSpeedMOD
topSpeed = (40 + Random Number Between 0 And (80)) * ex_1d005p_year99 * CarContractType_TopSpeedMOD
==== 単価、ペナルティ、契約ボーナス ====
basePrice = 0
if Difficulty is Easy
basePrice = 175
else if Difficulty Normal
basePrice = 75
if(Military Contract)
UnitCosts = (((350 + basePrice) * ex_1d02p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And ((50 + basePrice/1.25) *
ex_1d02p_year99)) * (Wealth * 0.8 + 1)
else if(Civilian Contract)
UnitCosts = (((250 + basePrice) * ex_1d02p_year99) +
Random Number Between 0 And ((100 + basePrice/1.25) *
ex_1d02p_year99)) * (Wealth * 0.7 + 1)
if(UnitCosts > 1000)
UnitCosts = (UnitCosts * 0.75) + (UnitCosts * 0.25 * (1000.0/(1000.0 + Units)))
UnitCosts = (UnitCosts * 0.875)
UnitCosts = UnitCosts * contractUnitPriceMod
UnitCosts = UnitCosts * CarContractType_unitPrice
if(UnitCosts < 450)
UnitCosts = 450
SigningBonus = UnitCosts/(Random Number Between 0 And (10) + 10) * Units
Penalty = Penalty + SigningBonus * RandomNumber->randDblExc(1.0) + 0.5
Penalty = Penalty + ((ex_1d02p_year99 * EngineCC/50) * Units) + 1
SigningBonus = SigningBonus * contractUnitPriceMod
SigningBonus = SigningBonus * CarContractType_unitPrice
====== レース契約書の作成 ======
===== 車両 =====
==== 契約ボーナス、ペナルティ、単価 ====
SigningBonus = ((2000*ex_1d03p_year99)+(5000*RacingSeries_Funding_Value*ex_1d06p_year99)) *
(Random Number Between (0 And 1.0)+0.5)
Penalty = SigningBonus * (Random Number Between (0 And 3.0)+2.0)
if Difficulty = Easy
UnitCosts = (3000*ex_1d025p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/5.0 +1)
else if Difficulty = Normal
UnitCosts = (2000*ex_1d025p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/6.0 +1)
else if Difficulty = Hard or Nightmare
UnitCosts = (1000*ex_1d025p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/7.0 +1)
==== ユニット ====
Units = ((RacingSeries_Races) * RacingSeries_Funding_Value) + 10;
==== 最小馬力 ====
MinHP = (100+(2*(year-1900)))
==== 横G ====
Lateral_G = 1 + (0.0005 * (year-1900))
==== 最高速度 ====
Top_Speed = 100 + (2 * (year-1900))
===== エンジン =====
==== Signing Bonus, Penalties, Unit Costs ====
SigningBonus = ((1000*ex_1d03p_year99)+(2500*RacingSeries_Funding_Value*ex_1d06p_year99)) *
(Random Number Between (0 And 1.0)+0.5)
Penalty = SigningBonus * (Random Number Between (0 And 3.0)+2.0)
if Difficulty = Easy
UnitCosts = (3000*ex_1d02p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/5.0 + 1)
else if Difficulty = Normal
UnitCosts = (2500*ex_1d02p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/6.0 + 1)
else if Difficulty = Hard or Nightmare
UnitCosts = (1500*ex_1d02p_year99) * (RacingSeries_Funding_Value/7.0 + 1)
==== ユニット ====
Units = ((RacingSeries_Races * 3.0) * RacingSeries_Funding_Value) + 5;
==== 最小馬力 ====
Min_HP = (100+(2*(year-1900)));
====== 落札者選定 ======
===== 最高入札価格 =====
if Vehicle Contract
maxBid = ((500 * ex_1d03p_year99) + Random Number Between 0 and (250 * ex_1d03p_year99)) * (Wealth_Index * .75)
else if( Engine Contract )
maxBid = (((550 * ex_1d03p_year99) + Random Number Between 0 And (550 * ex_1d04p_year99)) + ( HP/(20 * ex_1d02p_year99) ) + 1)
maxBid = (((550 * ex_1d035p_year99) + RandomNumber Between 0 And (550 * ex_1d04p_year99)) + 1)
===== 最低落札点数 =====
If Only One Bid
Min_Bid_Mod = 1.6
If Only Two Bids
Min_Bid_Mod = 1.3
If Only Three Bids
Min_Bid_Mod = 1.1
If More Than Three Bids
Min_Bid_Mod = 0
Minimum_Bid_Score = Minimum_Bid_Score * Min_Bid_Mod;
===== 車両入札 =====
if(Lobbying Effectiveness > 60)
lobbyMod = (Lobbying Budget / Max_Lobbying_Budget
lobbyMod = 0
if(lobbyMod >= 1.5)
lobbyMod = 1.499;
if Vehicle Contract
if( (Year - Year Built)> 6)
ageMod = 7 / (Year - Year Built);
ageMod = 1;
if Racing Contract
BuyerRating = (((Spec_HP - ContractRequirements_HP)*2.5) + (Spec_Fuel - ContractRequirements_FuelConsumption) + ((ContractRequirements_Weight - Spec_Weight)/50.0) +
((Spec_Cargo - ContractRequirements_CargoSpace/10.0)) + (Rating_Overall * 10) + (Rating_Cargo) +
((Spec_Torque - ContractRequirements_Torque)*2.5) + ((Spec_TopSpeed - ContractRequirements_TopSpeed)*3.5) + (Spec_LateralG - ContractRequirements_LateralG)*3 +
(Rating_Quality*1) + (Rating_Dependability*10))/((Unit_Bid_Price^0.25)+1)*(1.5-lobbyMod))
BuyerRating = (((Spec_HP - ContractRequirements_HP)/2.0) + (Spec_Fuel - ContractRequirements_FuelConsumption) + ((ContractRequirements_Weight - Spec_Weight)/100.0) +
((Spec_Cargo - ContractRequirements_CargoSpace/1.5)) + (Rating_Overall * 20) + (Rating_Cargo*15) +
((Spec_Torque - ContractRequirements_Torque)/2.0) + ((Spec_TopSpeed - ContractRequirements_TopSpeed)/3.5) + (Spec_LateralG - ContractRequirements_LateralG) +
(Rating_Quality*25) + (Rating_Dependability*30))/((Unit_Bid_Price^0.81)+1)*(1.5-lobbyMod)
BuyerRating = BuyerRating * ageMod;
Whoever has the highest buyer rating wins the contract.
===== エンジン入札 =====
if(Lobbying Effectiveness > 60)
lobbyMod = (Lobbying Budget / Max_Lobbying_Budget
lobbyMod = 0
if(lobbyMod >= 1.5)
lobbyMod = 1.499;
if( (Year - Year Built) > 6)
ageMod = 7 / (Year - Year Built);
ageMod = 1;
if(lobbyMod == 1.5)
lobbyMod = 1.499;
if Racing Contract
BuyerRating = (((HP - ContractRequirements_HP)*2) + ((ContractRequirements_EngineWeight - Weight)/2.0) +((Torque - ContractRequirements_Torque)*2) +
(FuelConsumption - ContractRequirements_FuelConsumption) + (Overall_Rating * 5) + (EngineReliability_Rating * 5) +
(Fuel_Rating * 5) + (Power_Rating * 5) ) /((UnitBid^0.25)+1)*(1.5-lobbyMod)
BuyerRating = (((HP - ContractRequirements_HP)/2.0) + ((ContractRequirements_EngineWeight - Weight)/10.0) +((Torque - ContractRequirements_Torque)/2.0) +
(FuelConsumption - ContractRequirements_FuelConsumption) + (Overall_Rating * 15) + (EngineReliability_Rating * 15) +
(Fuel_Rating * 10) + (Power_Rating * 10) + (Smoothness_Rating * 10)) /((UnitBid^0.81)+1)*(1.5-lobbyMod)
BuyerRating = BuyerRating * ageMod;
Whoever has the highest buyer rating wins the contract.
===== シャーシ入札 =====
if(Lobbying Effectiveness > 60)
lobbyMod = (Lobbying Budget / Max_Lobbying_Budget
lobbyMod = 0
if(lobbyMod >= 1.5)
lobbyMod = 1.499;
if( (Year - Year Built) > 6)
ageMod = 7 / (Year - Year Built)
ageMod = 1
if Racing Contract
BuyerRating = (((ChassisMaxEngineLength+ChassisMaxEngineWidth)-ChassisWeightKG) +
Strength_Rating*1.25 + Comfort_Rating + (Performance_Rating * 25) +
BuyerRating = ((((ChassisMaxEngineLength*2)+(ChassisMaxEngineWidth*2))) +
Strength_Rating + Comfort_Rating*2 + Performance_Rating*2 +
BuyerRating = BuyerRating * ageMod
Whoever has the highest buyer rating wins the contract.
===== ギアボックス入札 =====
if(Lobbying Effectiveness > 60)
lobbyMod = (Lobbying Budget / Max_Lobbying_Budget
lobbyMod = 0
if(lobbyMod >= 1.5)
lobbyMod = 1.499;
if( (Year - Year Built) > 6)
ageMod = 7 / (Year - Year Built)
ageMod = 1
if Racing Contract
BuyerRating = (((Overall_Rating*1.5+(Comfort_Rating*0.25))-Weight) +
Reliability_Rating*2 + (Performance_Rating*15) + (FuelConsumption_Rating*2) +
BuyerRating = (((Overall_Rating*2.5+(Comfort_Rating*2.25))-Weight*2.5) +
Reliability_Rating*1.5 + (Performance_Rating) + (FuelConsumption_Rating*2) +
BuyerRating = BuyerRating * ageMod
Whoever has the highest buyer rating wins the contract.