Table of Contents

Racing Game Mechanics

The Game Mechanics section of the manual details the internal formula used in the game's calculations. This section of the manual uses pseudo-code and may not be 100% the same as the code in the game.

The Game Mechanics part of the manual is mainly designed to be a reference for the frequently asked question, “Why do I get this rating when I do X, Y, Z?!” Usually, this answer involves many different variables, which this section of the manual demonstrates.

The game mechanics section of the manual shows how the sausage gets made. So you really may want to avoid this portion of the manual if you enjoy the game.


Name Description Name Description
EngineeringEmployees The number of engineers you have MaxEngineeringEmployees The number of engineers you need
Morale Engineering employee morale RacingSeries_EndTurn Last turn of a series season
RacingSeries_StartTurn The first turn of a series season RacingSeries_races Number of races in a season
RacingSeries_FundingMod Modifier variable for how expensive this series is to run NumberOfTeamsInSeries Number of teams racing in the series
orgRacesMonth Races per month RacingTeam_Funding Race Team's budget
RacingTeam_Driver_Quality Race team's driver quality slider RacingTeam_Team_Quality Race team's team quality slider
RacingTeam_TeamGrowthFocus Race team's team growth focus slider RacingTeam_TeamSizeFocus Race team's team size focus slider
RacingTeam_winFocus Racing Team's Win Focus slider RacingTeam_victories Racing Team's wins for the month in this series.
RacingTeam_Car_Spec_AccellerationSix Vehicle's 0-60mph acceleration in seconds RacingTeam_Car_Spec_Weight Vehicle's weight in KG
RacingTeam_Car_Spec_HP Vehicle's Horsepower RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Drivability Vehicle's drivability rating
RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Performance Vehicle's performance rating RacingTeam_Car_Spec_TopSpeed Vehicle's top speed in MPH
RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Fuel Vehicle's fuel economy rating RacingTeam_Engine_HP Engine's Horse Power
RacingTeam_Engine_Weight Engine's weight in KG RacingTeam_Engine_Dependability Engine's Dependability rating
RacingTeam_Engine_FuelConsumption Engine's fuel consumption in MPG ex_1d02p_year99 1.02^(year-1899)
ex_1d03p_year99 1.03^(year-1899) ex_1d06p_year99 1.06^(year-1899)

Racing Contracts

See: Contracts: Racing Contracts.

Racing Results

Racing Score

EngineeringEmployeeMod = 0.5+0.5*((EngineeringEmployees/MaxEngineeringEmployees) * (Morale/100))
For Each Series:
        lengthOfSeries = RacingSeries_EndTurn - RacingSeries_StartTurn
        if(Turn = RacingSeries_EndTurn)
            RacesPerMonth = RacingSeries_races%lengthOfSeries
            if(lengthOfSeries != 0)
                RacesPerMonth = RacingSeries_races / lengthOfSeries
                RacesPerMonth = 1
        minBudget =  (5000*ex_1d03p_year99)+(15000*RacingSeries_FundingMod*ex_1d06p_year99)
        maxBudget = (25000*ex_1d03p_year99)+(75000*RacingSeries_FundingMod*ex_1d06p_year99) + minBudget
    For Each Team in Series:
        Team_Funding = ((RacingTeam_Funding)/(maxBudget))*2
        RacingTeam_RaceValue = (20+Random Number Between ( 0 AND 5)) *
            (Team_Funding-((RacingTeam_Driver_Quality*2 + RacingTeam_Team_Quality +
            RacingTeam_TeamGrowthFocus + RacingTeam_TeamSizeFocus*1.5)/5.75)) * EngineeringEmployeeMod
        if(RacingTeam_Car_Spec_AccellerationSix == -1 || RacingTeam_Car_Spec_AccellerationSix > 26)
            RacingTeam_Car_Spec_AccellerationSix = 26
        if Supplying Vehicles
            if(RacingTeam_Car_Spec_Weight != 0)
                hpWeightRatio = (RacingTeam_Car_Spec_HP)/(RacingTeam_Car_Spec_Weight)
                hpWeightRatio = 0
            if(hpWeightRatio > 2)
                hpWeightRatio = 2
            hpBonus = (RacingTeam_Car_Spec_HP^1.15) /(10.0 * ex_1d02p_year99) 
            RacingTeam_RaceValue = RacingTeam_RaceValue + (hpBonus*3.5) +
                (hpWeightRatio*10  + ((25-RacingTeam_Car_Spec_AccellerationSix)/25.0)*30 +
                ((RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Drivability) / 100.0)*36 +
                12*((RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Performance) / 100.0) +
                30*((RacingTeam_Car_Spec_TopSpeed)/250.0) +
                (3 * (RacingTeam_Car_Rating_Fuel/100.0)) )
        else if Supplying Engines
            hpWeightRatio = ((RacingTeam_Engine_HP) / (RacingTeam_Engine_Weight))
            if(hpWeightRatio > 10)
                hpWeightRatio = 10
            hpBonus = (RacingTeam_Engine_HP)  / (8.0 * ex_1d02p_year99)
            RacingTeam_RaceValue = RacingTeam_RaceValue + hpBonus*3.5 + ( hpWeightRatio*5  +
                ((RacingTeam_Engine_Dependability) / 100.0)*(3 * ex_1d02p_year99) +
        else Supplying Funding
            RacingTeam_RaceValue = RacingTeam_RaceValue + Random Number Between ( 0 AND 10) +
                4.5  * (RacingTeam_TeamGrowthFocus - RacingTeam_TeamSizeFocus) + 15 *
                (Team_Funding*2-RacingTeam_Driver_Quality + RacingTeam_Team_Quality)
        RacingTeam_RaceValue = RacingTeam_RaceValue + ((10+Random Number Between ( 0 AND 10)) *
            ((RacingTeam_Driver_Quality*3.5 + RacingTeam_Team_Quality +
            RacingTeam_TeamGrowthFocus + RacingTeam_TeamSizeFocus*1.5)/5.0) *
        RacingTeam_RaceValue = RacingTeam_RaceValue +(40 * RacingTeam_teamXP) +
            (3 * RacingTeam_teamSize) + (10*RacingTeam_winFocus)*EngineeringEmployeeMod
        Total_RaceSeries_RacingValues = Total_RaceSeries_RacingValues + RacingTeam_RaceValue

Race Winners

firstVal = 0
secondVal = 0
thirdVal = 0
forthVal = 0
fifthVal = 0
For Each Team in Series
    For Each Team In Series 
        if(firstVal < RacingTeam_RaceValue)
            victorID = RacingTeam_CompanyID
            firstVal = RacingTeam_RaceValue
        else if(secondVal < RacingTeam_RaceValue)
            secondID= RacingTeam_CompanyID
            secondVal = RacingTeam_RaceValue
        else if(thirdVal < RacingTeam_RaceValue)
            thirdID= RacingTeam_CompanyID
            thirdVal = RacingTeam_RaceValue
        else if(forthVal < RacingTeam_RaceValue)
            forthID= RacingTeam_CompanyID
            forthVal = RacingTeam_RaceValue
        else if(fifthVal < RacingTeam_RaceValue)
            fifthID= RacingTeam_CompanyID
            fifthVal = RacingTeam_RaceValue
     firstWins = ((firstVal/winsVal) * RacesPerMonth)
        RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - firstWins
    secondWins = ((secondVal/winsVal) * RacesPerMonth)
        RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - secondWins
    thirdWins = ((thirdVal/winsVal) * RacesPerMonth)
        RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - thirdWins
    forthWins = ((forthVal/winsVal) * RacesPerMonth)
        RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - forthWins
    fifthWins = ((fifthVal/winsVal) * RacesPerMonth)
        RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - fifthWins
    if(RacesPerMonth > 0)
        firstWins = firstWins + (RacesPerMonth/2)
            RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - (RacesPerMonth/2)
        secondWins = secondWins + (RacesPerMonth/2)
            RacesPerMonth = RacesPerMonth - (RacesPerMonth/2)
        firstWins = firstWins + RacesPerMonth
        RacesPerMonth = 0

Racing Points

For Each Team In Series:
RacingTeam_Points = (RacingTeam_victories * 6 *
    (NumberOfTeamsInSeries)) + (orgRacesMonth - RacingTeam_victories) * 
    ((NumberOfTeamsInSeries * 10) * (RacingTeam_RaceValue/Total_RaceSeries_RacingValues))

Team XP

TeamXP = TeamXP + (((0.75 - RacingTeam_Driver_Quality) + (0.75-RacingTeam_Team_Quality)+