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The autoproduction system gives control of production to the game's AI. The AI will manage production line and slider adjustments to ensure that you produce the exact number of units required each month without inventory. This system uses the same system that AI companies use in the game.

Enabling Autoproduction

To enable Autoproduction, open the Mega Menu in the Office. FIXME Click on the “Autocommands” button from the left menu. FIXME At the bottom of the window will be a series of checkboxes for Auto Assistance systems. FIXME Enable the “Auto Produce” checkbox.

Autoproduction Shipping

Ways to Reduce Shipping Costs

When you enable the Autoproduction system, the game sets shipping to global. Meaning any vehicle produced at any factory can be shipped anywhere in the world. This action inadvertently can increase your shipping costs. Early in the game, shipping costs are quite important. So here are a few ways you can run your company to reduce those shipping costs.

Restrict Production to Regions

Marque Production

More Smaller Factories.

gamemanual/howto_autoproduction.1638393163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/15 17:58 (external edit)