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レビューは、ローカライゼーション・ファイル(Word #???) 次に、11のカテゴリーに対する個々のレビューセグメントが、レビューされる車両の評価に基づいてセーブゲームファイルからロードされます。


ゲームは、各カテゴリーごとに11のレビューセグメントを選択した後、それらを1つのレビューにまとめます。レビューセグメントに埋め込まれた変数に基づいて、車に関する特定の情報を使用し、レビューセグメントのテキストに適用します。変数は、テキスト内でこの記号 {#} で呼び出されます。



Magazine Review Editor

  1. MODツール内のデータを消去して、新しいReview.xmlファイルを作成します。
  2. 既存のReview.xmlファイルを開きます。ファイルの場所については、ファイルの場所を参照してください。
  3. エディター内のデータをReview.xmlファイルに保存します。
  4. メインメニューまたは前のエディタに戻ります。
  5. カテゴリータブ、各タブは車両の評価を使用するレビューの動的な部分を表します。各カテゴリーの詳細については、レビューカテゴリーを参照してください。
  6. すでにエディタに読み込まれている、選択したカテゴリーのレビューのリスト。このリストからレビューを選択すると、以下のデータが読み込まれます。
  7. このレビューセグメントがゲームによって選択される前の、このカテゴリの最小値です。
  8. このレビューセグメントがゲームによって選択される、このカテゴリの最大値です。
  9. 選択された場合、レビューのテキストはテキストボックスの数字に対応するローカライズIDでローカライズファイルに入ります。
  10. This is the where you enter the text of the review segment. The review segment must contain at least one of each of the variables on the right hand side (labeled with #11) . If the review is to be localized, enter the ID number of the localization text.
  11. These are the variable buttons which contain sub review segments or specific information about the vehicle. The review segment must contain at least one of each variable. Clicking on a button will but the variable entry (the {#}) into the end of the review text.
  12. This adds the review segment to the list of reveiws.
  13. This removes the selected review segment from the reviews.

Review Categories

The following are images of each review segment category, which rating is used for the category, and a listing of their variables and what they effect.


This is the introduction for the reviews. It is selected based on the specific vehicle rating. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
Vehicle TypeThis is the type of vehicle being reviewed.
Leading CompetitionThis is the marque/model name name of the best vehicle currently for sale in the vehicle class.
Worst CompetitionThis is the marque/model name name of the worst vehicle currently for sale in the vehicle class.


This review segment is about the performance of the vehicle. It is selected based on the performance rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
HPThis is the horse power rating of the vehicle in Horse Power units.
Top SpeedThis is the top speed of the vehicle in mph and kmh
0-60This is the acceleration time in seconds, from 0 to 60 mph.
EngineThis is the name, displacement, layout, and cylinder count of the engine.
Vehicle TypeThis is the type of vehicle being reviewed.
Power ReviewThis inserts the power review segment.
Driveability ReviewThis inserts the driveability/handling review segment.


This review segment is about the handling of the vehicle. It is selected based on the driveability rating of the vehicle, and is loaded from the performance review segment. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
Vehicle TypeThis is the type of vehicle being reviewed.
RatingThis inserts an adjective based on the Driveability rating.


This review segment is about the luxury of the vehicle. It is selected based on the luxury rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
Luxury AdjectiveThis inserts an adjective based on the Luxury rating.


This review segment is about the safety of the vehicle. It is selected based on the safety rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.


This review segment is about the fuel economy of the vehicle. It is selected based on the fuel rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
City Fuel ConsumptionThis is the fuel consumption numbers for city driving.
Highway Fuel ConsumptionThis is the fuel consumption numbers for highway driving.


This review segment is about the power of the vehicle. It is selected based on the power rating of the vehicle, and is loaded from the performance review segment. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

TorqueThis is the amount of torque the engine has in ft-lbs and nm.
Towing weightThis is the maximum amount of weight that the engine/chassis/gearbox is able to pull. Even if the vehicle is not used for towing, this is a good indication of engine torque, vehicle traction, and structural integrity of the vehicle.


This review segment is about the cargo capacity of the vehicle. It is selected based on the cargo rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
Cargo Space SpecThis is the amount of cargo and passenger space in both L and CI in the vehicle.


This review segment is about the quality of the vehicle. It is selected based on the quality rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.


This review segment is about the dependability of the vehicle. It is selected based on the dependability rating of the vehicle. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.


This review segment is about the overall final thought about the vehicle. It is selected based on the overall rating of the vehicle. You should conclude your review with this review segment. You must use each of the following variables at least once:

BrandThis is the name of the vehicle Marque.
ModelThis is the model name of the vehicle being reviewed.
Vehicle TypeThis is the type of vehicle being reviewed.


Videos coming some day.


My New Review or Changes Are Not in the Game

Start a new save game. Reviews are stored inside the save game file, thus any changes require a new save game to go into effect.

Game Crashes

Most likely you are missing one of the required variables for a review segment. Double check the reviews segments. Each review segment must have the variables on the right of the editor at least once.

Review doesn't generate

Either you are missing one of the required variables for a review segment, or you did not escape a single quote character. ('), as of v1.22, reviews should have an escaped single quote character (two single quote characters) so that the information can be properly saved into the save game file. In future builds (hopefully v1.23) we will remove the character escaping requirements.

japanesemanual/ja_revieweditor.1741146595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/04 22:49 by nichirinmotor