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gamemanual:reports_charts [2021/10/15 15:05] admingamemanual:reports_charts [2022/02/15 18:00] (current) – external edit
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 +=== Video Tutorials === 
 +  * [[|Charts Report]] ([[|Youtube]])
 ====== All Time Market Share ====== ====== All Time Market Share ======
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_marketshareall.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_marketshareall.png?direct&400|}}
 +The All-Time Market Share chart displays a market share history graph of the top 20 companies, your companies, and a summation of all other companies. Clicking any of the colored boxes on the right side of the chart will remove that entry from the graph.
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 ====== Recent World Market Share ====== ====== Recent World Market Share ======
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_marketsharepie12.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_marketsharepie12.png?direct&400|}}
 +The Recent World Market Share chart contains two different graphs. The top graph is last month's market share for the top 20 companies, your company, and a summation of all other companies. At the bottom is a year-to-date market share graph containing the top 20 companies, your company, and a summation of all other companies. You can click the colored boxes at the top to remove an entry from the charts.
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 ====== Monthly Revenues, Expense, and Cash Flow ====== ====== Monthly Revenues, Expense, and Cash Flow ======
 +The Monthly Revenues, Expenses, and Cash Flow charts give you two interesting ways to view your company's financials.
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesexpensecashflowbar.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesexpensecashflowbar.png?direct&400|}}
 +The bar chart provides monthly revenues, expenses, cash flow, and tax payments in one graph. 
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 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesandexpense12.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesandexpense12.png?direct&400|}}
 +The line chart transparently overlays your monthly revenues over top of your expenses. This chart is a great way to visualize your profit margins. 
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 ====== Yearly Profits/Losses ====== ====== Yearly Profits/Losses ======
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesandexpense.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_revenuesandexpense.png?direct&400|}}
 +The Yearly Profits/Losses chart overlays a revenues line graph over top of an expense line graph. It's a great way to visualize the financial success of your company over the years.
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 ====== Vehicle Sales Charts ====== ====== Vehicle Sales Charts ======
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_vehiclesales12.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_vehiclesales12.png?direct&400|}}
 +The Vehicle Sales Charts comes with two graphs showing your vehicle sales over time. The first chart shows your active vehicle sales over the last twelve months.
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 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_vehiclesalesall.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_vehiclesalesall.png?direct&400|}}
 +The bottom graph shows all your vehicle sales throughout history. By default, the game does not display inactive vehicle models. You will need to toggle them on to display them.
 +At the top of both of these reports is a "Next" link (#1). This link will take you to additional pages with more vehicles on them. Additionally, you can click the colored blocks on the side (#2) to enable or disable an entry on the graph. 
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 ====== Networth ====== ====== Networth ======
 {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_networth.png?direct&400|}} {{ :gamemanual:reports_charts_networth.png?direct&400|}}
 +The Networth Graph displays the book value of your holdings in particular assets. It also shows your debt load.
 +  - This is your company's total net worth/book value.
 +  - This is the amount of cash you have.
 +  - This is the value of your factories.
 +  - This is the value of your branches.
 +  - This is the value of all vehicles you have in inventory.
 +  - This is the value of all stocks you hold, not including your own.
 +  - This is the amount of money you owe.
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gamemanual/reports_charts.1634324755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/15 17:58 (external edit)