Table of Contents

For information on standard reports, see the Reports page.

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Dynamic Report Buttons

You can dynamically generate reports throughout the game using a chart button.

Most of these reports have basic graphs related to the subject the button is near. Here are a few examples:

But there are a few buttons that open extremely important reports. We cover them in the remaining sections of this page.

Wealth Demographic And Buyer Rating Report

The Wealth Distribution and Buyer Rating Report is one of the most important reports in the game. You can find the dynamic report button for this report next to where you enter a vehicle's sales price in the Branch Distribution system. This is in both the World Map branch system and the Mega Menu.

This button will open a Wealth Demographics And Buyer Rating Report for the selected vehicle in the selected city. It only displays the information for the selected vehicle in the selected city. You will need to generate a new report for any other vehicle or city.

Wealth Demographic Reports

The Wealth Demographics graph is the first section of the report you'll see. This graph breaks down the people interested in buying this vehicle type, in this city, into household income buckets using the blue chart (#2). The number of people is on the Y-axis, and their income is on the X-axis. You can hover over the points to get the specific dollar and population size values.

The bright green bar graphs are the number of people interested in buying a vehicle around the price point of your selected model (#3). Your vehicle is too expensive for the dark blue area to the left of the green bars. And your vehicle is too cheap for the areas to the right of them.

The broader the appeal of your vehicle, the more bars you will have above and below the sales price. The number of bars in the graph changes based on your marketing and image ratings. The better your marketing or image ratings are, the more bars you'll have, thus more people willing to pay out of their price zone for your vehicles.

At the top of this report is the maximum potential customers at your current sales price (#1). This value is only the maximum potential and is not an estimation of your sales. The more green bars you get, the more maximum potential sales you will have.

You can access additional data by scrolling down the report.

Buyer Rating Table

This part of the report is the Buyer Rating Table. This table is the most important tool you have to understand why a vehicle is selling the way it is.

Internally, the game formulates your vehicle offerings into a single variable called a buyer rating. It then uses this buyer rating to compare against other vehicles of the same class, target demographics, and economic demographics. It then distributes sales based on this buyer rating and a few additional details.

This table is nearly the entire buyer rating calculations used in the game. It goes through line by line and displays the numbers used to calculate your buyer rating. It also displays what the buyer rating is at that point in the calculation.

With this data, you can analyze where you are losing buyer rating points. And you can see what parts of the design are giving you more of them.

The table has three columns. Each row in the table is a section of the buyer rating formula. Column A contains the variables and arithmetic for that section of the formula. Column B shows the math for that section of the formula using your vehicle and company numbers. Finally, Column C shows the sum of that row's value and the previous row's buyer rating. Meaning, that Column C of each row is the buyer rating at that point in the buyer rating calculations.

Formula Variables Max Points
(Luxury Image + Workmanship + Racing) + (Global Image × 5)
  • Luxury Image ⇒ Company's Luxury Image
  • Workmanship ⇒ Company Workmanship Image
  • Racing ⇒ Company's Racing Image
  • Global Image ⇒ Company's Global Image

These images ratings are visible in the Prestige and Image reports.

(Vehicle Cargo Rating × (1 + Vehicle Type Cargo Rating)) × 5
  • Vehicle Cargo Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Cargo Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Cargo Rating ⇒ Vehicle Type's Cargo Importance Rating.
(Vehicle Dependability Rating × (1+Vehicle Type Dependability Rate)) × 5
  • Vehicle Dependability Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Dependability Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Dependability Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Dependability Importance Rating.
(Vehicle Handling Rating × (1+Vehicle Type Handling Rate)) × 5
  • Vehicle Handling Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Dependability Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Handling Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Dependability Importance Rating.
(((Vehicle Fuel Rating × (1 + Vehicle Type Fuel Rating)) × (1 + City Fuel Rate)) × (Global Fuel Rate^2))×5
  • Vehicle Fuel Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Fuel Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Fuel Rating ⇒ Vehicle Type's Fuel Importance Rating.
  • City Fuel Rate ⇒ This is the selected city's fuel rating value. The higher the value, the more expensive fuel is in this city.
  • Global Fuel Rate ⇒ This is the global fuel rate. Higher values mean that fuel is more expensive, so fuel economy matters more.
Depends on City And Global Fuel Rate
(Vehicle Luxury Rating × (1+Vehicle Type Luxury Rate)) × 5 × (1 + (Automatic Gearbox × 3 × 1.01^(year-1899)))
  • Vehicle Luxury Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Luxury Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Luxury Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Luxury Importance Rating.
  • Automatic Gearbox ⇒ 1 if the vehicle is using a gearbox that can automatically shift. 0 otherwise. The importance of this increases as the year progresses.

1900: 2015-4030 2020: 5500-11000

((Vehicle Performance Rating+(Company Racing Image÷2.0))×(1+Vehicle Type Performance Rate))×5
  • Vehicle Performance Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Performance Rating value.
  • Company Racing Image ⇒ Company's Racing Image
  • Vehicle Type Performance Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Performance Importance Rating.
(Vehicle Power Rating × (1+Vehicle Type Power Rate)) × 5
  • Vehicle Power Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Power Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Power Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Power Importance Rating.
(Vehicle Quality × 8) × 5
  • Vehicle Quality ⇒ Vehicle's Quality Rating value.
(Vehicle Safety Rating × (1+Vehicle Type Safety Rate)) × 5
  • Vehicle Safety Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Safety Rating value.
  • Vehicle Type Safety Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Safety Importance Rating.
Branch Fully Staffed + Branch Morale + Branch Sales Resources
  • Branch Fully Staffed ⇒ Selected City's branch employment percentage as a value between 0 to 200.
  • Branch Morale ⇒ Morale rating for branch employees in the selected city as a value between 0 and 100.
  • Branch Sales Resources ⇒ Branch resource slider as a value between 0 and 100.
Vehicle Image × 50
  • Vehicle Image ⇒ Vehicle's Image rating.
Automatic Gearbox × 5 × 1.015^(Year-1899)
  • Automatic Gearbox ⇒ Gearbox that has an automatic shifting ability. Value of 1 if this is true, otherwise 0.
  • Year ⇒ Current game year.

1900: 5 2020: 30

Branch Dealerships × (15 + Random Number 0-5)
  • Branch Dealerships ⇒ Number of car dealerships assigned to this branch.
  • Random Number (0-5) ⇒ Random Number generated between the value of 0 and 5.
No Max
City Marketing × (2000 + Random Number 0-100)
  • City Marketing ⇒ Sum of marketing efficiency values between 0-1 for each type of marketing, multiplied by a weight modifier as follows: Newspapers × 1, Billboard × 1.1, Magazine × 1.3, Sports × 1.3, Events × 1.2, Radio × 2, TV × 10, Internet × 5. And then divided by 9.
  • Random Number (0-100) ⇒ Random Number generated between the value of 0 and 100.
Vehicle Overall Rating × 25
  • Vehicle Overall Rating ⇒ Vehicle's Overall Rating.

Low Engine Smoothness
Current Buyers Rating × (Engine Smoothness ÷ (Vehicle Type Luxury Rating × 35.0))

  • Low Engine Smoothness ⇒ Penalty if Engine smoothness values are low in a luxury vehicle. There are two conditions for this penality. 1) If Engine Smoothness Rating is less than the Vehicle Type's Luxury Importance Rating × 35. And 2) if the Engine Smoothness Rating is less than 35.
  • Current Buyers Rating ⇒ Your current Buyer Rating at this point in the formula.
  • Engine Smoothness ⇒ Smoothness Rating of the engine used in this vehicle.
  • Vehicle Type Luxury Rate ⇒ Vehicle Type's Luxury Importance Rating.
No Engine Smoothness Penalties
  • No Engine Smoothness Penalties ⇒ Good job, there are no penalties for engine smoothness.

Low Morale:
Current Buyers Rating × (Morale × 0.01)

  • Low Morale ⇒ Penalty for branch morale not being at 100.
  • Current Buyer Rating ⇒ Your current Buyer Rating at this point in the formula.
  • Morale ⇒ Branch Morale Level as a value of 0 to 100.
Good Morale Branch morale is good, no penalties.

Top Speed Too Slow Vehicle Top Speed ÷ Minimum Top Speed For Vehicle Type

  • Top Speed Too Slow ⇒ The vehicle is too slow. This penalty is based on the top speed of the vehicle and the vehicle type. The model's top speed is compared against the minimum top speed. And if lower the penalty is assessed.
  • Vehicle Top Speed ⇒ The top speed of the vehicle.
  • Minimum Top Speed For Vehicle Type ⇒ This is the minimum top speed of a vehicle of this type needed to avoid a penalty. The formula for minimum speed is 10kmph + 1.05 × (Year-1899) + (10kmph + 1.05 × (Year-1899) ) × (Vehicle Type Performance Importance Rating - 0.3) ) Where Year is the current year before 2020. Otherwise, 127.5kmph × (127.5 × (Vehicle Type Performance Importance Rating - 0.3)
Top Speed Above Minimum The vehicle is fast enough to meet the minimum requirements, so no penalty.
Current Buyer Rating × Fuel Type Popularity
  • Current Buyer Rating ⇒ Your current Buyer Rating at this point in the formula.
  • Fuel Type Popularity ⇒ Popularity value of the fuel type the engine uses as a value of 0 to 1.
≐ -100%
Low Slider Penalty: Current Buyer Rating × Penalty
  • Low Slider Penalty ⇒ Penalty for putting most design sliders on the lowest settings.
  • Current Buyer Rating ⇒ Current Buyer Rating at this point of the formula.
  • Penalty ⇒ Penalty accumulates based on the sum of sliders values for Chassis, Engine, Gearbox, and Vehicle.

Old Car & Components Penalty: Current Buyer Rating ÷ Adjusted Age

This is a penalty for using old designs or selling an old vehicle design.

  • Current Buyer Rating ⇒ Your current Buyer Rating at this point in the formula.
  • Adjusted Age ⇒ This is a weighted age of your component and vehicle design. Components under 12 years gain a small bonus to the adjusted age. At 15 years, these components start to increase the adjusted age variable at a rate of 0.25 points a year. If the component value reaches above 1.0, it is increased by a power of 1.2. Vehicle designs add to the adjusted age penalty after 5 years and increase exponentially after 9 years.
≐ -100% to +23.5%
Current Buyer Rating + (Current Buyer Rating × Pricing Effect)
  • Current Buyer Rating ⇒ Your current Buyer Rating at this point in the formula.
  • Pricing Effect ⇒ This is an adjusted price of the vehicle between the value of -0.5 to 1. The more competitive price the vehicle is, the more bonus you'll get from this section. However, vehicle types for wealthier demographics receive less of a bonus. The formula for this variable is: ( ( ( City Percapita × ( Vehicle Type Wealth Index ÷ 1.25 ) ) ÷ Weighted Vehicle Price ) - 1.25 ) ÷ Vehicle Type Wealth Index
Price Gouging Penalty
  • Price Gouging Penalty ⇒ The game will penalize you if it determines you are charging absurd amounts of money for a unit based on the unit cost and the vehicle type. The formula to determine if you should be penalized is as follows: If Sales Price is greater than Unit Cost × ( 3.5 + Vehicle Type Wealth Index ÷ 5) The formula for the penalty is as follows: 1 - ( Sale Price ÷ ( Unit Cost × ( 3.5 + Vehicle Type Wealth Index ÷ 5) ) ÷ 2 )
≐ -100%
Quality to Price Ratio Penalty
  • Quality to Price Ratio Penalty ⇒ If the Vehicle Quality rating does not warrant the price you are charging, the game will assign you this penalty. The condition for this penalty is as follows: if 0.9 + (Sales Price ÷ Unit Costs × ( 3 + 3 × (Quality Rating ÷ 5 ) ) ) is greater than 1.25.
≐ -100%
Neuron Processing Penalty (Hard or Nightmare Difficulty): Current Buyer Rating × 0.95 The game applies this penalty if you are a human and are playing on Hard or Nightmare mode. Sorry, the AI needs this sort of crutch. -5%
Vehicle's Estimated First Round Buyer Pool This value is the maximum number of customers interested in purchasing this vehicle after processing the buyer rating. It is not, however, the number of people purchasing the vehicle. That is in the next table.

Sales Table

Finally, the report will generate the estimated sales figures in the city for all vehicles of this type. The table displays the name of the vehicle, the estimated sales, and the final buyer rating. And it is ordered by the estimated sales. You'll notice that table isn't ordered by buyer rating, but models with higher buyer ratings tend to sell more vehicles than ones with lower buyer ratings. Remember, variables such as the number of dealerships, the amount of marketing, and company image can change the size of the buyer pools of individual models.

Stock Report

The Stock Report contains additional information about a selected stock. The game generates a Stock Report dynamically, and you can only access it via the Dynamic Report Button located in the Stock Broker window. You can find this button next to the Public Companies header just above the company selection drop-down box.

Report Data

The Stock Report contains two charts, a bunch of financial data, and three tables. The first section contains financial data.

  1. The top of the report is the financial stock chart. It is a historical graph with the share price of the company and the quarterly earnings per share. The Y-axis contains share prices. You can hover over the Blue EPS bars to see the EPS on the graph.
  2. The Index is fluff information. All companies in the game are in the Gear & City 500 index.
  3. Market Cap is the value of the company. This value comes from multiplying the Outstanding Shares by the Current Share Price.
  4. Annual Revenues is revenues over the last 12 months.
  5. Annual Expenses is expenses over the last 12 months.
  6. Book/Share is the book value of the company, divided by the Outstanding Shares. These numbers are the actual unspeculative value of the company per share. For example, if the book value is $12 and the share price is $15, the actual value of the company is $12. The extra $3 in share price is how much others are willing to speculate that the company will grow in value.
  7. Cash/Share is how much cash the company has per share. For example, if this value is $8, then the company has $8 in cash for every share.
  8. PE stands for Price to Earnings. This value divides the Current Share price by the annual Earnings Per Share (EPS). If the EPS is negative, the PE is 0. This metric is a good way to determine if a stock is over or underpriced. You can consider 20 fairly priced.
  9. P/S is Price to Sales. This value takes the share price of the company and divides it by the Annual Revenues per share (Annual Revenues divided by Outstanding Shares). A low ratio can indicate that the market undervalues this stock, and with a high ratio, they overvalue it.
  10. P/B stands for Price to Book. This value divides the current share price by the Book/Share value. You would use P/B for a metric of how over or underpriced a stock is. The lower the ratio, the better value the stock is.
  11. Book Value is the value of all the assets the company owns. It is the value of the company if they were to liquidate.
  12. Debt/Eq stands for Debt to Equity. This variable divides your short-term debt, the debt from loans and revolving credit, by the total amount of assets your company has. The higher this ratio is, the more debt load this company has.
  13. Long Term Debt to Equity is the same as Debt/Eq, except the debt is long term. In the game, this is Bonds. Bonds are less of a cause of concern in the game because companies will roll old debt into new bonds when they expire. The higher this value is, the more debt the company has, which can slow company expansion.
  14. EPS, or Earnings Per Share, are revenues minus expenses, divided by the total number of shares. Or in more layman terms, profits or losses are divided by the number of shares. This metric is one of the most important corporate fundamentals to watch. Profitable companies will have EPS’s above zero, and unprofitable ones are under zero.
  15. EPS Growth 5 Years shows the EPS growth over the last five years. This value compares the Annual EPS from five years ago against the sum of the previous four EPSs.
  16. Revenue Growth 5 Years is the same as the EPS Growth 5 years, except it is for revenues instead of EPS.
  17. ROA stands for return on assets. The ROA comes from dividing the company revenues by the total amount of assets. This value is a metric for how much money a company generates based on the number of assets they have. A higher ROA means the company needs fewer investments to make more income. And a lower ROA shows that the company has to tie up most of its funding in assets to generate revenues.
  18. Gross Margin is the revenues minus the cost of goods (not including indirect fixed costs such as administration costs) divided by revenues. We display this value as a percentage. The higher it is, the more money the company is making in relation to the cost of their goods.
  19. Operating Margin is the profits a company makes for every dollar of revenue. We determine the value by dividing the profits by revenues. Unlike gross margins, this value includes all fixed costs. A higher percentage means the company is making more profits off of their sales. Whereas a low value means the company spends most of its revenues, and a negative value means the company is losing money on each sale.
  20. Outstanding is the total number of shares available for trading. A share is fractional ownership of the company. If you own all the shares, you own 100% of the company. If you own 10% of the shares, you own 10% of the company.
  21. 52-Week High is the highest the share price has been at over the last year.
  22. 52 Week Low is the lowest the share price has been at over the last year.
  23. Current Price is the current price of a single share. Shares change prices based on how much other people will pay for them. You can use the other metrics on this page, such as Book/Share or PE, to determine if the current share price is a fair value for this stock.
  24. Price Change is the percentage of change to the share price since last month.
  25. Dividends are payments to shareholders for each share they own of the company. They pay this payment out every quarter, and it can be a great source of revenue.

Factory And Branch Table

The top table is the Factory table. It displays all the company's factories, the year they built the factories, production line capacity, overall rating, and the value.

Below that is the Branch table. Like the Factory table, it displays all the company's branches, how many vehicles they sold, revenues, dealership count, and marketing expenses.

Model Table

The third table is the Model Table. This table lists all active vehicle models, their type, sales, inventory, and revenues.

Revenues and Expense Chart

This is a Yearly Profits/Losses chart that overlays a revenues line graph over an expense line graph. It's a great way to visualize the financial success of the company over the years.