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Manufacturers often fit vehicles with multiple combinations of engines and gearboxes. We call this Trims. In GearCity, you can do this, and it’s encouraged.

With trims, you can offer more vehicle choices to consumers without paying full price for a new vehicle design. By offering more choices, you will increase your sales while taking sales away from your competition.

For Example. Let’s say there are two vehicles for sale with equal buyer ratings and equal prices. One is yours, and the other is your competition. There are 120 people in the city buying vehicles of this type. 60 buy your vehicle, and 60 buy your competitor’s. If you produce a trim with the same buyer rating and price, the number of customers would remain the same at 120 people, but the sales would split 40 apiece. That means you’ll get 80 sales, a 20 unit sales increase, and your competition would lose 20 sales. Your market share would jump from 50% to 67%.

Image Sharing

Another benefit of the trim system is image sharing. Every vehicle in the game has what is called “Vehicle Image.” This image rating is a major factor in how consumers see your vehicle and the choices they make. With the trim system, the trims inherit the parent model's image rating, and any gains the trim makes in image rating will increase the parent's rating as well. With this in mind, you can use the trim system to increase the image rating of a base model parent by making the trim sufficiently better, thus selling more vehicles overall.

With this concept and using the New Generation system, you can grow your image ratings for the parent and trims over multiple decades. FIXME

Making a Trim


Quick Trim

Trim Tools

Branch Distribution


gamemanual/howto_trims.1637167073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/15 17:58 (external edit)